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50 Shades of Yellow - Former Yellowtard Insider Reveals the Secrets (PART2) ~SHARE

This is part 2 of the story - 50 Shades of Yellow - Former Yellowtard Insider Reveals the Secrets.

Click this link to go to Part 1.

Recently, the attacks on President Rody Duterte has become unrelenting. Both mainstream media and the social media trolls of the Yellows have shifted to high gear to attack the President.

Timely Leak

This story that was passed on to me is very timely as it explains the tactics and strategies used by the Yellows. However, I cannot verify whether this article is true or not.

Perhaps it is pure fiction, a half-truth, or a true story.

Whatever it is, you can be sure that this is a very interesting story to read. You discern whether or not the narrative shown below is believable.


50 shades of yellow (Part 2)

By an alleged former Yellow insider

During The Elections

A year or two before the elections, the Aquino administration had been preparing for the 2016 elections.

They feel that they have done enough to ensure that the economy is going to fly and that the people will love them well enough to warrant a second Liberal Party term in the Palace.

They prepared the trolls two years before the election by hiring various PR agencies to make their candidates popular in the Internet. Back then the biggest enemy was Jejomar Binay.

He was the target of the administration’s efforts, well enough to spread rumors that he was tied to the Bangladesh Central Bank heist, something that we all know was never true.

Had Mar Roxas won he would have so many bosses and a mountain of political debt that he will have to repay in terms of giving away positions to unqualified people.

That was the direct politial gain of a group called “the Banyan Group”. It is a group of influential netizens who have banded together with the intention of promoting and helping the Liberal Party win the elections.

They are called the “banyan” group because they would meet in the home of Tess Gozon-Viterbo, daughter of Atty Felipe Gozon, owner of GMA 7 the TV and radio network. The prominent ones in attendance were:
  1. Leah Navarro (Singer)
  2. Manolo Quezon (Former Usec Pcoo)
  3. Jeg Regrario (Netizen and Law Student at the Ateneo)
  4. Cocoy Dayao (Manager of Server Farms Used by
  5. Mila Aguilar (Up Professor and Martial Law Survivor)
  6. Jozy Nisperos (the Silent Majority Founder)
  7. Aurora Pijuan (Former Beauty Queen/ Celebrity)
  8. Edwin Lacierda (Former Pcco Secretary)
  9. Mikael Lara (Former Assec of the Pcoo and Founder of the Website “ang Tunay Na Lalaki)
  10. Tricia De Leon Pancho (Wife of Congressman Pancho of Bustos, Bulacan)
Many of these people were already enjoying preferred business interests and positions in the Aquino administration and wanted to keep it that way.

On another side of the yellow spectrum are those who are interested in ensuring that their business interests remain intact and that their preferred status is not endangered.

This is what prompted the Lopez Group of Companies to pour money into what is then a campaign kitty fund and later a fund for a troll farm against the Duterte administration.

Their champion? Ricky Carandang. He was once with the PCOO but went head to head against Edwin Lacierda and lost on the battle of political will because Pnoy sided with Lacierda who claims to have invented the slogan “tuwid na daan”.

Those in the know are aware that this claim is a lie.

It was PR professional Yolly Ong who made it up and eventually had a falling out with Lacierda because he wanted to use the “tuwid na daan” slogan for Leni’s campaign as Mar was already using it.

Yolly Ong insisted that it was no longer effective and broke off with the main administration’s campaign and became the strategist of Leni Robredo, who eventually won the elections.

Because so many of them from the yellows became very unhappy after the elections, they would coordinate rally after rally after rally, a strategy taught to them by Trillanes.

Jozy Nisperos of the Silent Majority had her own fights with co-founder John Tulay who founded Democratic Warriors, another Facebook page aimed at criticizing the Duterte administration.

Tulay was eventually joined by Kat Pineda, an Ayala Aviation professional whose aunt is getting fresh funds from the Office of the Vice President.

Pineda started the character “Madam Claudia” and was repeatedly banned by Facebook because of the hate speech. Pineda would use her job at Ayala Aviation to take pictures of President Duterte while he boarded his private plane and make memes and spread the fake news that the President is ill and dying.

After a while, Pineda would meet with LP rabid supporter Pete Silva and together they would resurrect Madam Claudia from the ashes of Facebook ban and continue spreading the news that the President is dying and other lies. Their target? OFWs.

There have been several groups set up by various individuals all meant to destroy the Presidency and with the ultimate goal of installing Leni Robredo as President.

Why have they been relentless? This is mostly because of the efforts of Boom Enriquez and Boyet Dy of the office of the vice president.

Leni Robredo herself is not Internet-savvy but her daughters are. Aica was the one who handled her social media campaign and was also the brains behind the taking of pictures of her mother waiting for the bus along Magallanes on a Good Friday night, of Leni praying in Church, of her taking the bus even if she s already VP.

All very heartwarming and very viral. However, upon ascent to power, the Robredo daughter filled positions in the OVP, not with professionals, but with her classmates.

One such classmate, Daryl Cheng is a 25-something social media manager for the OVP. In a public meeting, he actually bragged that the FB character Atty Falcis is a fabrication and not a real person, but someone meant to combat Mocha and her supporters which were started because of Mocha’s outing of Leni spokesperson said that VP Leni was “hands-on” with relief operations

How can anyone be hands-on one when they are not even there?

There is a consensus among the yellows and everybody else who are not with the administration to organize and hit, attack, cajole and God knows what else, everyone who is working for the administration to ensure that it fails.

They want to see the economy plummet and instill fear in the hearts of OFWs, businessmen and investors.

They would rather see the economy fail and for the country to be plunged into chaos, a kind of scorched earth philosophy, than have people other than themselves take credit for what believe are Liberal Party achievements.

This is the guiding principle as to why The Silent Majority, Silent No More and even the OVP is motivated to design disruptive initiatives against the current administration.

PCOO is an obvious target because it is the government communications bureau. Pete Silva et al also have other pro Duterte accounts that aim to mislead netizens specifically OFWs by making outrageous posts like “Kian is a criminal, he deserved to die” or “we want Martial Law nationwide”.

Such statements are against what the Palace is always saying and the fake news confuses Duterte supporters, even some of the most loyal DDS stalwarts, into thinking that the government is going to declare Martial Law and the President will become a dictator for life.

The PCOO is the hub of all communications coming from the administration and the sabotage of the PNA is proof of this creeping attack using confusion and misdirection.

Click this link to go to Part 1.

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