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Santa Claus Is Real But Not So Many Believe In Him Anymore

Well folks the Christmas season is near and this video proves that Santa Claus is indeed real. Yes, they caught him calling for President Duterte to resign. Yes, he was last spotted calling for Duterte to resign. He also called for President Duterte to resign last September 21, 2017. But the "sad news" is that not so many people believe in him anymore. In fact, he has had two failed rallies because only a few believe in him.

For one, I guess he should be arrested for being a nuisance before Christmas Eve arrives. After all, you don't want some random crazy old man dropping by your doorstep putting, "Duterte Resign" cards all over right? It should only be fair that this lunatic old man should pass through jail time for misusing and abusing his freedom of speech.

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