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Teleseryes Also Suck Because Locally Owned TV Networks Have Too Little Competition

I remembered reading an article from CoRRECT Philippines called "It's all about Competition". Do you know want to know why many Filipino-owned businesses are full of incompetence? It's because competition is little to none. Why does Philippine TV suck? If you think about it the TV networks that compete against each other are owned by oligarch families. If all you have is ABiaS-CBN, GMA-7 and TV-5 then why bother making good TV drama? They only have each other to compete with so why bother with making high quality TV dramas when trash only competes with trash?

Let's take a look at the ABiaS-CBN vs. GMA-7 with how they compete with their teleseryes. I admit that I find many of the girls hot but eye candy won't save a bad show. You could talk about the bikini challenge between their women. There's some teasing moments with the women going from beach scenes to the bed scenes. You can also have a lot of shirtless moments with the men. All they do in trying to get a rating is by using shallow gimmicks but none of them bother to make a better story. The same cliches come all over and over again. Sure, they're taking advantage of new filming techniques (which further puts the claim that you should watch teleseryes in the name of nationalism to further questioning) but have they even thought of better ways to write a story?

This reminds me trying to call out people to watch teleseryes in the name of nationalism is also stupid for this reason. Do you think these teletrash networks would survive if they weren't airing their badly dubbed versions of imported shows? Let's just imagine that GMA-7 should let the cast of Tsuperhero dub Kamen Rider Drive in Tagalog. You may end up getting a Drive re-air in contrast to a Tsuperhero re-air though the more fortunate won't watch it because they could watch the fan-subbed versions over the crap-dub version. They end up competing with each other by bringing in better shows from abroad all the while they NEVER learn how to make a better show.

Why do I think they never bother to learn from the better shows that they crap dub? I guess it's all because they're still proud of their garbage. It's very common for any nationality to appeal to one's nationality to enjoy one's stupidity. Just because you're a Filipino is no excuse to make shows as bad as they are or to enjoy mediocrity. Do you think Beverly Caimen would have done better being stuck with GMA-7? I doubt it and she's better off with her career in Japan. Maybe, she may even end up singing for K-Drama or other foreign shows that do better than stupid teleseryes. They could have analyzed these shows on how they do better. Unfortunately, there's so little competition and if ABiaS-CBN only has TV-5 and GMA-7 to worry about why bother to improvise and innovate? 

How would competition actually force teleserye producing networks to innovative thinking for the better? You can compare the quality of high quality Korean drama, Taiwanese drama and Japanese TV drama to name a few. There are many TV stations and many companies that produce their television dramas from where they come from. The competition forces them to produce better quality. They try to compete with each other with not just eye candy but also with the plot. They try to learn from as many mistakes as possible to produce high quality shows. It wouldn't do any good to have these shows full of pretty ladies and muscular boys if the plot were so bad. But it's so sad how the lack of competition is one big reason why teleseryes suck. 

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