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A Country Has No Direction If Its Current System Also Has No Direction

It's stupid to keep complaining that the Philippines has no direction all the while one thinks that nothing is wrong with the 1987 Constitution. If a government is incompetent it's also because its ran on an incompetence-based system. It would be time to think about how the current system of the Philippines has made it into a country with No Direction.

The popularity based presidential system encourages stupid voters to vote for stupid people as long as Mr./Ms. Stupid is Mr./Ms. Popular

Do you ever get tired of why there are so many dumb ways to vote? You can thank the popularity-based presidential system for that. You can think of how the popularity-based system kept putting inexperienced people into power. One of them would be the love of making the widows of popular figures the next candidate. When Ninoy Aquino got shot the people wanted to vote for Corazon C. Aquino who was an inexperienced housewife. Later, Leni Loud Robredo was endorsed because of her husband Jesse Robredo's death even if she's an incompetent person.

You could think about the current system encourages dumb voters. A popularity-based system hardly cares about credibility. One of the biggest most stupid things to happen is when celebrities step into the Senate even when they have no prior experience. Fernando Poe Jr. ran for president, got a huge run even when he knew nothing about politics. Joseph Ejercito Estrada only won not because of his performance as a mayor and senator but only because he was a popular figure. Noynoy Aquino only became president because of his deceased parents Ninoy and Cory.

The Imperial Manila system slows down progress and development in every area of the Philippines

The geography of the Philippines should tell you that decentralization is badly needed. The Philippines has 7,107 islands yet the current constitution still insists in the Imperial Manila system. This system is one of the many reasons why the Philippines hardly moves forward. How can the Philippines address its problems if they don't have enough decentralization or delegation of authority. The problems of Imperial Manila is not the same as the problem of every other place in the Philippines.

The unitary system brings congestion since all of the activities must pass approval in Imperial Manila. It's always the Manila First policy instead of first come, first served policy. The problem is that Filipinos who aren't part of Imperial Manila are looked down as second class, third class.. X class citizens of the Tagalog Empire. It makes getting necessary documents and fixing court cases almost impossible because Tagalogs come first. This causes a slowdown in overall growth structure.

Poorly thought economic policies has ended up creating less stable sources of economic growth

Do you wonder why the Okay Fine Whatever culture exists? You can thank the OFW phenomenon for that. The current system restricts the foreign investments in the name of national interest. They continue to perpetuate the lie that only foreigners will get rich if you open up the economy. This kind of culture has become a huge restriction to economic growth. This in turn results to the Philippines having less jobs. The OFW phenomenon isn't as reliable as you think. If you think OFWs = Philippines is taking over the world then think again. If you work in someone else' country then you must follow their rules. OFW means Overseas Filipino WORKER not Overseas Filipino WARRIOR.

The current tax system is also really oppressive. The Philippine has the highest tax rate in the ASEAN countries yet its neighboring countries with lower tax rates have better economies. The 32% ceiling rate for an income of PHP 500,000.00 and above is punishing achievement and encouraging laziness. If you earn a lot of money then you only end up getting taxed too much for it then what's the use of aiming to earn higher? What's worse is that you end up discovering that much of your taxes end were used for the DAP and PDAF scams during the Noynoying years.


That's why we need to CoRRECT the constitution. That's why we must seek a system that constantly seeks to evolve for continued competence. The parliamentary-federal-free trade government isn't perfect but it seeks to be better all the time. Insisting on simply changing people without changing the system is like inserting newer, better wheels on an obsolete car.

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