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Can You Imagine #ASEAN2017 Ran Under President Mar Roxas And Vice President Antonio Trillanes?

With the #ASEAN2017 going on it would be time to think once more of what if Mar Roxas and Antonio Trillanes were president and vice president. I already made an assumption that Marawi would be gone under these two clowns so what if they were handling #ASEAN2017? How would these two guys handle it if they held the highest position in the land? 

I could imagine what stupidity they could organize. First, they could consider repeating the same disastrous and stupid road rerouting plan done by Noynoy Aquino. They may soon advertise it that the evidence that the Philippines is already a developed country is by the heavy traffic which they caused themselves. This may mean delegates will arrive late but I don't think traffic would be the only problem they would cause.

If anything could also cause the delegates of ASEAN to be late would be habitual tardiness. They may even show up to meet and greet the delegates one hour late all in the name of being nationalistically Pinoy. Not only will delegates have a taste of Filipino "hospitality" one hour late - they will also have to endure Vice President Trillanes' unli-talk package together with President Mar's attention whoring. We might see President Mar volunteer to carry the luggage of the delegates not because he's helpful but only for the camera. He would be posing while holding luggage for the delegates much to their irritation.

The next thing that could happen would be delegates will have to endure First Lady Korina Sanchez-Roxas' arrogance and f*** that bitch behavior. First Lady Korina may soon have to face Shinzo Abe from Japan where she will refuse to apologize for her wish that the typhoon will hit Japan instead. She may even say a lot of things inappropriate for the ASEAN. If enduring Vice President Trillanes was already bad enough she may even add more fuel to the fire.

President Mar may continue making a fool out of himself during the business symposium. You have free trade ASEAN countries and he will probably brag about how "good" protectionism is. He may express all the stupid stuff about protectionism like how he's supposedly "saving" the country from "invaders". This may make Prime Minister Lee Hsien Long from Singapore facedesk considering his deceased father Lee Kwan Yew made Singapore progressive through foreign investors. He may even tell others that countries that practice free trade will be invaded by foreigners. This may result to everyone throwing the food at President Mar and Vice President Trillanes. 

The most likely scenario is that the Philippines will be the laughing stock of the #ASEAN2017 Summit. That is, there will be a lot of badmouthing about the Philippines in the international community no thanks to President Mar and Vice President Trillanes.

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