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Filipinos For Constitutional Reform Should Thank Noynoy Aquino For Their Success

This may be a crazy post, think I'm psychologically ill all you want but before doing that - please read this post first. It's time to consider how the Noynoying Years. Why thank Noynoy? Doesn't it sound like Noytard talk to say that Filipinos have change should thank Noynoy for their success. If Noynoy didn't become president then a lot of stuff would have forever remained in the shades of yellow.

Noynoy's poor choices in his presidency showed a lot of stuff people would have never known. Back then, he was just viewed as another Aquino. People still kept the Yellowtard Revolution up during his campaign. But when he became president a lot of stuff was spilled out from the trash can. A lot of dirt was uncovered from the yellow rug of the Liberal Party. Although it wasn't everything but we know how Noynoy's screws up contributed to the success of Filipinos for constitutional reform. This already made the whole Liberal Party a joke simply because of how Noynoy was as a president.

His choices of appointees for important positions showed just how much he valued friendship over competency

Who did Noynoy keep appointing anyway but his friends? This showed just how much he didn't value competency. Who did he appoint into various seats but his FRIENDS instead of people who were qualified? He had Chief Justice Renato Corona replaced with Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno. He appointed Alan Purisima to head SAF-44 even if protocol disallowed it. What was worse was that he refused to fire his appointees who fouled up unless put under due pressure. He should have fired them immediately but instead most of them resigned peacefully. The same can be said about Leila DilemmaEtta RosalesStinky Soliman and Joseph Pabaya with how they did their jobs in their respective posts. It showed just how indifferent he was to the decline of peace and order by not doing anything about his appointees. 

His decision to keep blaming Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and the Marcoses showed his lack of accountability

He showed how much he doesn't take responsibility by continuously blaming Gloria and the Marcoses for everything wrong in his administration. True, you become the most powerful person in the land you inherit the mess. But how dumb does he think people are when he keeps blaming Gloria and the Marcoses for his mistakes? People soon got tired of him blaming Gloria and the Marcoses to be answerable for his mistakes such as DAP and PDAF. This poor choice of action showed how much of a loser he can be especially with his lack of accountability. 

Supporting Leni Loud Robredo as the Liberal Party's vice president showed how much necropolitics sucks

Leni Loud herself was chosen only because of her husband Jesse's death. Jesse was respected as an icon of good governance during his years as the mayor of Naga City, Bicol and as the Department of Interior Labor and Government Secretary. By choosing her he already showed how much he still thought necropolitics worked. Right now, Leni Loud's approval rating is going down the drain is also thanks to the Noynoying years. If he didn't support

Choosing Marbobo Roxas as his successor showed how the Liberal Party is a huge joke

Marbobo Roxas himself should have not been allowed to run for president. The whole incident related to Typhoon Yolanda should have prohibited him from running. Marbobo also showed several incidents that he's not qualified to be a leader. All Marbobo showed was that he was an epal joke of a candidate. Worse, the Liberal Party even dared release a comic book that falsely portrayed Marbobo as the superhero of Yolanda when it isn't true. When Noynoy allowed Marbobo to run as his successor in the Liberal Party showed how much the Aquinos don't really care about accountability. That move further destroyed whatever credibility the Liberal Party had left late during the Noynoying Years. 

His refusal to make necessary amends in the 1987 Constitution showed just how he doesn't care about the country's welfare

He could have made some necessary amendments but he refused. He simply refused to lift up the economic restriction and implement an evolving federalism and chose to remain in the stupidity of the 1987 Constitution. Whether he likes it or not but there are already Filipinos who have seen the flawed shades of yellow in the Liberal Party. His stubbornness to uplift the economic restrictions showed just how he didn't care about the country's welfare but only for his party. He could have at least started to make a shift towards an evolving federalism to improve the country. Instead, he chose to continue presenting himself as a fake hero until his jetpacks dropped him back to Earth. 

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