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Maria Isabel Lopez Just Wanna Have Fun

I decided to get this picture from GRP Pundit and it should be a constant source of irritation for every decent Filipino. I would have probably taken the law into my hands if I were among the people who saw Maria Isabel Lopez do what she did. I might have already slapped her face really hard for what she did. I may have ended up like that adult who hit Amos Yee in public to teach the latter a lesson if I were there. What she did is inexcusable and it also shows something that seriously needs fixing in Filipino society.

This is the problem of Filipino society for some time is extrajudicial kilig. Movie stars tend to get VIP treatment. For some time, Kris Aquino herself kept getting the spotlight to the point she became such a brat. What Maria Isabel did is obvious: she broke simple guidelines. There are divider cones there for a reason. Worse, she even bragged that the MMDA apparently thought that she was an ASEAN Delegate. If they did they need a good whopping. Bragging about her misdeed on Facebook shows that a some Filipinos really do have very thick faces accompanied by very thin skins.

It's time to ask this idiot woman. Does she even know what in the world the divider cones are there for? It's to ensure speedy trips and safety for the delegates. What she did would really make me want to pull her by the neck and say, "People like you are the reason why the Philippines doesn't progress!" Those cones are placed there for a purpose. There's a special event and the law must be on guard. But no, she just chooses to deliberately break the law.

Should I mention her daughter and lookalike Mara Lopez even defends her? Times like these I'm thankful that Kris Aquino doesn't have a daughter but only sons. Can you imagine what if Kris had a daughter to defend her mother's actions? This is not excusable to do what she did. If she had to answer the call of nature she could have requested permission from the MMDA to do so, put her car on hazard or whatever they may recommend her to do. But what she did was really jeopardizing the safety of such an important event. Her license should be suspended because drivers like her are jeopardizing public safety.

What she can do right now is plead guilty to what she did. They may even consider lessening her sentence if she did. But the fact she even bragged about what she did makes me wish she would get beaten up by angry drivers.

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