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Yellowtards cheer as Duterte Supporters attack another ~SHARE

I was reluctant to write this because I feared being misunderstood and bashed by fellow Duterte supporters, but I felt the need to express my sadness and opinion rather than do nothing but watch the DDS support base implode.

I am really saddened by the recent developments among DDS supporters and the only winners in this drama are the Yellows who are cheerfully clapping and waiting for the Duterte support-base to collapse.

Last month, a public spat between two prominent DDS supporters caught media's attention. Fortunately, it was quieted down quickly because it was just a disagreement between two passionate individuals.

What happened this week was different, was not a spat, it was a strong criticism targeting the newly appointed Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque who has been labeled as a closet Yellowtard.

I don't really care about Harry Roque.

Personally, I don't really care about Harry Roque, what I care about is to ensure that our beloved President's vision for the country will materialize.

Maybe I am old fashion guy, but the way I was brought up was that families don't air their dirty laundry in public.

If there was a problem, we talk about it amongst ourselves and try to settle things. Half the time, issues are products of miscommunication which could be easily resolved through dialogue.

I rabidly supported the President during the campaign because I believe he is the only one who can save the country. I believed in his wisdom and strategic moves.

So when he appointed Harry Roque to be his spokesperson to replace Ernesto Abella, I trust that he had a purpose in that.

Although Harry Roque said that the President's marching orders were, to tell the truth, and do what is best for the country and we do not know what else they talked about. Perhaps there were specific discussions on how mainstream media will be dealt with.

Being a presidential SPOX is a very difficult job and in a press briefing, Duterte even said that it was his personal decision why he wanted Roque for the job and surely the President would want to know how Roque's would approach adversarial media.

The SPOX  has to address a very wide audience and his message will not please everyone.

SPOX Ernesto Abella was called out for being to soft on biased media.

Former SPOX Ernesto Abella knows that, as a matter of fact Abella too was also criticized because his non-confrontational style didn't suit some Dutertards.

Personally, I liked Abella cool non-confrontational demeanor because it seemed to provide a balance between to the pro-Duterte bloggers.

Defending the President (Formal and Informal)

From observing SPOX Ernesto Abella, I figured that there are two channels by which the president is defended. The first is the informal channel and the second is the formal channel.

For me, bloggers belong to the informal channel and the SPOX is the formal channel. Like it or not, in the formal channel, rules of behavior have to be followed. Being the mouthpiece of the government, it is the SPOX who is quoted or misquoted by local and international media.

The palace has a rocky relationship with mainstream media but still they have to deal with them. The SPOX can either be confrontational or nice and this is where I think SPOX Ernesto Abella did a wonderful job at defending the President. Abella was so cool and nice the Malacañang Press Corps couldn't find a reason to hate him.

Will biased media write something nice about Duterte and his admin if the current SPOX is nice to them?

I don't think so. I think no matter what the SPOX says, adversarial media will always find something wrong and slant the story.

So what's the point of being nice if biased media will be nasty anyway?

By being nice and polite to mainstream media, the Duterte Admin gives them lesser garbage to throw at us.

Aside from that, there is absolutely no advantage for any Presidential SPOX to be nasty and sarcastic to the media. Being nice and polite has only advantages and the shining example is SPOX Ernesto Abella.

Fact: Not all Dutertards like nastiness.

There is nothing wrong with nastiness. Nastiness has its own audience but not everyone likes it. A SPOX who isn't nasty (like Abella) is embraced by the non-nasty audience.

What is my point?

My point is that we cannot alienate Dutertards who dislike nasty exchange. Out of the 80% who support Duterte, there might 20% of that crave for civility and a non-confrontational SPOX embraces this audience.

The SPOX being the President's counterbalance.

I love it when PRRD curses and throws insults here and there, but the world does not understand that. And that is why we need like SPOX Ernesto Abella who acted as a counterbalance for the President to explain the actions of the President.

The wisdom of the President

The President has his reasons for appointing Harry Roque as his SPOX. Whether or not Roque met the expectation is only for the President to know.

While it is everyone's right to voice opinion and demand that Roque is removed, it actually makes it harder for the President to do that even if Roque did not deliver on his job for two reasons.

First, from what I know of the President, he does not like to be preempted, secondly, if he fires Roque now, it will look like he caved into the demands of certain personalities.

Firing Roque now may be interpreted as a sign of weakness and may embolden certain personalities into thinking that they have great influence over the President and that is one thing the Duterte may never allow.

I also think that dictating upon the President what he should do is disrespectful and insulting to him.

For all we know, what Harry did were specific instructions given by the President to achieve a certain goal and now the political career of Roque may be in limbo because of the vicious attacks on him.

Who will be willing to help the President if they will suffer the same fate like Roque.

In closing, wouldn't it have been better if the alleged bad behavior of Roque was talked about in private instead of bashing him?

One is perfect, many Presidential Appointees have given the leeway for mistakes so why is Roque an exception?

In the end, we the Dutertards lose because cracks are starting to show. Many Dutertards are saddened why it had to get to this point instead.

Many Dutertards are like me are afraid to speak out for fear that we will become victims of bashing from the followers of the very popular social media leaders.

But I have to speak out.

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