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Tiglao Exposes a Secret: How and why did Sereno become our Chief Justice ~Share

The relationship between former President Noynoy Aquino and Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno really runs deep, that if you believe Rigoberto D. Tiglao's story about Sereno. If it was not for Tiglao, this alleged relationship and the dynamics that allegedly motivated PNoy to appoint Maria Lourdes Sereno as Chief Justice would have never come out.

According to Rigoberto D. Tiglao of the Manila Times,  Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno is a college buddy of former President Noynoy Aquino (PNoy) and the reason why she was appointed to the Supreme court was to protect the Hacienda Luisita, which his Cojuangco clan owned.

Tiglao wrote that ever since President Cory’s years, the estate her clan owned had evaded being subjected to the land reform that she herself had signed into law.

When PNoy assumed power in 2010 though, the Supreme Court was set to decide with finality the cases filed by its tenants more than two decades ago requiring it to be put under land reform.

According to Tiglao, the Cojuangcos said they were willing to place their hacienda under land reform – but they have to be paid P10 billion however the government estimated that the Cojuangcos should be paid only P196 million under the agrarian reform laws.

To protect the Cojuangcos', Tiglao said that Aquino put Sereno into the high court the month after he assumed office to apparently try to convince the high court to agree to at least P5 billion compensation for Hacienda Luisita’s owners.

In his article Sereno: Aquino and the Yellow Cult’s abomination, Rigoberto D. Tiglao claimed that "majority of the justices ignored Sereno’s kilometric arguments that made her seem like the Cojuangcos’ lawyer.

The court in its November 2011 decision ruled the Cojuangcos should be paid only P196 million."

The following month, impeachment charges were filed on flimsy charges against the then Chief Justice Renato Corona who championed the government’s position, apparently to browbeat him and the court into complying with the Cojuangco clan’s wishes.

Corona was impeached in March 2012. Two months later, it was revealed that most of the 20 senators who voted against Corona had each been allocated P100 million worth of projects to be used under their direction, in a scheme called the Disbursement Acceleration Plan, invented by Aquino’s budget secretary Florencio Abad.

But Aquino appointed Sereno as Chief Justice. It was too late though. The majority of the justices stood its ground, affirming its November 2011 decision with finality in April 2012.

"Karma is a bitch" because it looks like it is a Sereno's turn to be impeached.

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