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#TindigPilipinas Should Move To Spratlys Island And STAY THERE FOR GOOD

Do you remember the whole China vs. Philippines fight over Spratlys for years? Well, I think this might be the best solution - NEITHER COUNTRY GETS IT! This may sound stupid but I think this could be the best peaceful resolution. My solution would sound very funny but I think the members #TindigPilipinas should go to Spratlys Island and STAY THERE FOR GOOD!

They want the rule of majority wins and minority must go? THEY GOT IT! There's no such as the #SilentMajority of PNoys. Since exiling them to the moon would be too expensive (and the Philippines doesn't have the technology to send people into space even if Filipino astronauts do exist) then why not exile them to Spratlys? Better yet, give them the alternative to move to Spratlys and let them stay there as their new home country.

Who should be the new president and vice president or should I say chieftain and vice chieftain of their new island-nation in Spratlys? They could install Noynoy as its first president because the current Philippine constitution won't allow a second term. Other choices for president or vice president may include Marbobo Roxas, Leni Loud Robredo, Jejomar Binay and Antonio Trillanes. Maybe, they could also have Kris Aquino as their first president or chieftain in their new sovereign state in Spratlys. The choice is entirely up to them.

Now here's the challenge. Can they bring Spratlys into a first world country with the use of self-industrialization? Can their networks like ABiaS-CBN and CRappler progress without the use of foreign equipment? It's because the condition will be that the Philippines will not give them any aid anymore. After all, they've already become a foreign country and their fellow Filipinos are now foreigners to them in their new island-nation of Spratlys. They're no longer Filipinos but Spratlysians or if Noynoy becomes their first president - they are already known as PNoys. It may only be a matter of time to to call Spratlys as the PNoypines.

What do you think of this proposal? 

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