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Not Surprising: #BlackFridayForPressFreedom Has Paid Activists Joining It

Is it me or is the proof of using paid rallyists getting more obvious? In this "crowded" rally for "press freedom" - we can see members of Bayan Muna (Nation First) and NNARA-Youth joining Maria Ressa's #BlackFridayForPressFreedom rally - in short paid rallyists. Wait... aren't Bayan Muna and Migrante and the like Communist groups? It seems to be that Bayan Muna or better renamed as Bobo Muna (Stupid First) is a proponent of anarco-Communism. Hmmm if they are shouldn't they hire Amos Yee to help them?

This shows that it's a desperate alliance of super villains who have no choice but to join forces. Why do you think Liberal Party has joined forces with the likes of Jejomar Binay and Antonio Trillanes IV. Trillanes who was once obsessed with jailing Binay has no choice but to join forces. Binay has not only attended the wake of Kian Loyd Delos Santos  but also attended the "Heal" our Land November 5, 2017 rally. You can already see the whole alliance falling in together out of desperation.

I wonder where are Renato Reyes Jr. and Teddy Casino in this one cosnidering that Bayan Muna is there? Judging by the number of attendees it's safe to say that maybe the organizers are now running out of money. How much money do you think was paid when Agnes Callamard and Carl Hart made their visit to say that there's no evidence that shabu causes violence or leads to brain damage? Paying foreign media to help them doesn't come in cheap either. It's time for the exploiters to become the exploited. What goes around, comes around doesn't it?

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