Covid queue calculator made by UP-DLSU team predicts when to get vaccine

This Covid queue calculator made by civil engineer Kenneth Alambra from the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) and Reina Sagnip, a De La Salle University-Manila (DLSU Manila) graduate, can predict when you can get the vaccine.
The Philippine Vaccine Queue Calculator is an online app that allows Filipino users to see when they are likely to receive the coronavirus vaccine given the country’s vaccine distribution scenario.
The custom-built online tool developed by the Filipino researchers created with the help of the Polish startup Omni Calculator estimates where you are in the vaccine queue by asking you some questions about your age, profession, health condition, and sociodemographic group.
The Vaccine Queue Calculator will then give you a number as to where you stand in terms of vaccine priority and the possible dates when you will be able to get your shot.
According to Alambra and Sagnip, the project uses data provided by “The Philippine National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for COVID-19 Vaccines” for the priority list.
“The Vaccine Queue Calculator for the Philippines will estimate for you how many people are ahead of you in the queue to get a COVID vaccine in the Philippines. It also predicts how long you might have to wait to get your vaccine doses,” Alambra and Sagnip explained on the website app. “Using our tool, you’ll have a better idea of when you can expect to get vaccinated.”

The national plan is to vaccinate 70 percent of the country’s adult population by end of 2021 or at least 1,274,980 people per week, noted Alambra and Sagnip.
Here’s how to use the online vaccine queue calculator for the Philippines:
- Enter your age in years.
Senior citizens or those 60 years old and above will be called up sooner than younger people to get inoculated with the vaccine.
2. Answer yes to the next field if you are currently an active frontline health worker.
Answer yes to the persons with comorbidities field if you have any comorbidities such as hypertension, high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, any cardiovascular or respiratory diseases, stroke, or cancer, to name a few.
3. Fill out the following field: Are you classed as a non-health frontline essential personnel falling under A4 priority group or other workers under priority eligible group B?
Please indicate if you are a part of the indigent population as determined by the government, a person with a disability, or part of the sociodemographic groups at significantly higher risk of exposure to COVID-19.
You can access the Philippine Vaccine Queue Calculator through this link.
A cheaper yeast-based oral COVID-19 vaccine that will be made more accessible to Filipinos is in the works, according to Filipino-American molecular biologist and priest Nicanor Austriaco while the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) has initiated talks with the local pharmaceutical industry as part of efforts to develop the country’s own vaccines.
CHECK OUT the Quarantine Guidelines for ECQ, MECQ, GCQ, and MGCQ in the Philippines.
WHAT TO DO when you are suspected or confirmed to have COVID 19 in the Philippines.
SEND CHEERS in the comments below to engineer Kenneth Alambra from the University of the Philippines Los Baños and Reina Sagnip of the De La Salle University-Manila who have jointly developed the Philippine Vaccine Queue Calculator that allows Filipino users to see when they are likely to receive the coronavirus vaccine.
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Source: Good News Pilipinas
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