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Guy Converts Tattoo of Ex-GF’s Name ‘Naomi’ to ‘Indomie’ Noodles Brand

How do you show your love to someone? A lot of people do it through giving gifts, buying couple shirts and couple rings, or even getting a tattoo of their loved one’s name. But happens if the relationship turns sour and they break up? Uh oh.

One guy was so in love with his girlfriend Naomi that he had her name tattooed to his arm. Awwww. Sweet, isn’t it? This Naomi girl must have loved the guy’s gesture, but this was not enough to keep them together.

When they broke up, the guy faced the dilemma of he can get rid of her name emblazoned on his arm! At this point, he surely regrets his decision to have her name tattooed on his arm. But it really is too late for that thought.

Photo credit: Ivan Go / Subtle Asian Traits – Facebook

Now, getting a tattoo is fairly easy but getting a permanent tattoo removed is a totally different thing altogether. This involves a lot of money and the process can be so painful. Tattoo removal also needs several trips to the laser facility to get everything erased. That’s both painful and expensive. Double ouch.

Considering that ‘Naomi’ is so difficult to turn into another word, unlike Johnny Depp’s ‘Wino Forever’ from ‘Winona Forever’, the guy had a hard time thinking of how he could get his ex-GF’s name changed into something else.

He eventually had the genius idea of turning “Naomi” into “Indomie”, a popular brand of noodles! LOL. The tattoo artist didn’t even have to change the tattoo a lot. The final output starts with a lowercase “i”, the “Naomi” with the “a” changed into “d”, and an “e” added at the end. Genius idea, huh?

For sure, this guy will no longer tattoo any future’s girlfriend’s name on any part of his body! LOL. We suggest getting a couple shirt or some matching jewelry, instead.

Source: Buzzbooks

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