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Butz Bartolome: 5 Symptoms of Information Overload and How It Affects You

Butz Bartolome shares business advice.

Information overload takes place when we get too much irrelevant information. It leads to unnecessary overstimulation of the brain. The influences of the many information likewise become a part of personal characteristics.

Are you experiencing the symptoms of information overload? Let me show some which may affect decision-making behavior.

Here are the symptoms:

Information Pollution: A New Challenge for Millennials?

The information age has brought with it a new challenge to the millennial generation. The Internet and social media have made access to information more accessible than ever before, but this abundance of data can also be overwhelming. As more people are exposed to an increasing amount of content on their screens at any given time, they may find themselves drowning in overload issues by all that is available. This phenomenon is called “information pollution” or “data deluge.”

1. according to one study, millennials

They are more likely than any other generation in history to be overwhelmed by information and unable to make sense of it all. Individual characteristics can and may well be changed.

2. This has led some experts to suggest defining “overload” with a new word: “under-stimulation.” The ability to discern and separate what is appropriate and relevant on the many overload literature right before us

3. Mental and Physical Symptoms That Indicate an Information Overload

The following human behavior is mental and physical symptoms that indicate you may be experiencing information overload. If any personal characteristics apply to you, it is essential to take a break from the Internet for at least one day or two weeks, if possible. You can then return with renewed energy and clarity.

a) Your individual characteristics mind feels like it’s spinning out of control. It seems as though there is too much going on in your head all the time.
b) You feel overwhelmed by information and don’t know where to start or how to get started.
c) There are so many things you want to do, but your characteristics can’t seem to find a way to make them happen.
d) You have trouble focusing because everything around you keeps distracting you from what you’re trying to accomplish.
e) Your characteristics often feel confused about which direction to take next.
f) Your decision-making Behavior feels that life has become unmanageable.

4. What Shall We Do to Avoid Information or Cognitive Overload?

The problem with information is that it’s everywhere! It seems like there are more sources than ever before for us to get our news. The Internet has made the world smaller in many ways and larger because we can find out about anything at a moment’s notice.

What can we do to avoid information overload?

It is easy to get overwhelmed by this information and not know where to start, especially when learning something new or making critical decisions for your business. The good news is that you can take some simple steps right now to help manage what seems like an endless stream of data coming at you from every direction. Here are five tips:

We have access to a broad range of information, but how do we have the decision-making process to know what to believe? How do you separate fact from fiction? What should be your priorities when trying to make sense of all this data? These questions may seem an overload issue at first glance, but they’re pretty simple once you start thinking about them. It would help if you learned some basic rules of thumb.

5. Don’t trust everything you read or hear online.

The Internet is a great place to find information about almost anything. But it’s also the perfect breeding ground for misinformation and hoaxes. And like many, if you’re not careful, you could end up believing and your decision-making process some of these stories without ever checking them out yourself.

Filter the Email Overload messages you receive.

You can also use filters to sort your overload issues and a comprehensive range of email messages by sender, date, or subject line. You can even set up a filter that automatically deletes all of your spam and junk mail from one particular email address.

Spam is an annoying problem for everyone who uses email. But it’s not just about getting rid of spam; there are many other ways to protect yourself against unwanted emails. Here are some tips on how to handle your overload issues keep your inbox clean:

Use filters and folders for email that you don’t want to see anymore, or delete it immediately. You can also use the “Move” function in Gmail to move an old message into a folder so you won’t have to deal with it again.
If you’re getting too many emails from one person, it tells you to create a filter to label them as spam automatically. It will help you get rid of those messages more quickly use the “spam” folder for all your junk mail and delete it. When done with it, set up an automatic reply that says something like: “I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to read or answer emails from people who send you any unsolicited commercial email.” It is true when you receive email messages telling you you won a lottery. They then ask you to send your bank details and even password.

Finally, let me share this advice on the advancement we have in our technology may be an advantage. Come to think of it that people managed to secure information during the early years, like the 18th century. I never could believe that I would be witnessing today, which I thought during my younger years was only for those out of this world imagination like Batman or Dick Tracey. The proper use lies in every person. Each has a decision-making process to decipher which is right or wrong.

CHECK OUT more advice from Butz Bartolome:

Butz Bartolome: Tips To Stay Motivated During Tough Times

Butz Bartolome: Strengthening Your Food Business

CHECK OUT the Philippines’ top mentor Butz Bartolome as he discusses business matters and SHARE THIS STORY with entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who need the advice.

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Source: Good News Pilipinas

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