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Noynoy Keeps Using "Hindi Ko Alam" As An Excuse

It doesn't take a political analyst to see Noynoy's excuses are as dumb as f*** with these which I'll translate into English for non-Filipino readers:
  • SAF 44 - I didn't know that the original plans were not followed.
  • YOLANDA - I didn't know that the blast of the wind would be that strong. 
  • DENGVAXIA - I didn't know that it wasn't safe for all.

This should be an epic facedesk or better facewall isn't it? It doesn't take a political science graduate whether it's undergraduate, graduate or even doctorate to figure out something's not right with his head. Does this sound like a common problem in the Philippines? Yup, I've noticed in all my years of growing up in the Philippines with how "Hindi ko alam." or "I don't know"/"I didn't know." is a very common excuse to excuse one's self of responsibility. Heck, I even remembered a stupid working scholar who even turned it into a jingle (just don't ask me for the album since there's NONE) just to avoid her responsibility.

During SAF-44, it's time to consider that he's also at fault. He knows that Alan Purisima was suspended yet why did he even send the same person to command the same mission? He should have been well-informed. Instead, he chose not only to send Purisima but later he would keep blaming Getulio Napenas. 

He can't keep blinking about what happened during Yolanda. It's a shame really that while China had its corrupt health officials executed for the melamine scandal - both Marbobo Roxas and Stinky Soliman got off the hook under his term. He even endorsed Marbobo as his potential successor. Both Marbobo and Stinky should have been jailed for life for the Yolanda funds scandal.

Now it's time to take a look at Dengvaxia. He can't again feign ignorance. If something is not approved by certified doctors then that should be proof alone that you shouldn't even bother to test it. I may not be a licensed medical technician or a doctor but it's common sense that no one should just recklessly use untested vaccines on anybody. I wonder what's his excuse this time? Would he once again blame Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for the vaccine disaster? 

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