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What A Leni Loud Robredo Dictatorship May Look Like

It's confirmed by her dermatologist that Leni Loud Robredo's has a very thick face and very thin skin at the same time. So can you imagine if your president had a very thick face while her skin is thinner than onion paper? Let's just imagine what if the Liberal Party would succeeded in ousting President Duterte, what if they made Leni Loud the new president ahem dictator. Can you imagine what life will be like under her term?

You can talk about how sensitive she is to criticism because her skin is thinner than onion paper. She has a thick face to show herself but let all the criticisms hurl and expect her to react. That would be the start of a declaration of her own version of martial law. It may mean sanitizing the media to make her look good. That means every news will always try to portray her in a positive light. Any reporter who puts her in a negative light may face huge fines, imprisonment or both. That means any newspaper or website that talks bad to hurt her ego can end up suffering from Tito Sotto's libel clause in the anti-cybercrime law. Talk about how many people will be locked up for simple criticisms that she could have taken into account to make her presidency better. She can use her allies in Facebook Philippines as well as other multinational companies with Dilawans in it to carry her cyber dictatorship.

Media will soon be censored in favor of the Yellowtards. Do you want to watch your latest K-Drama, J-Drama or C-Drama. You can forget about it. You may want to watch the latest hit drama from another country but they may soon be banned under her rule. You may soon end up with nothing but teleseryes in their timeslots. She may ban them because they are "violent" as if those teleseryes are even family friendly. Tell me how family friendly are kabitseryes or don't tell me there's no violence in teleseryes? She may even go as far as to super limit the number of foreign shows in the movie theaters. If there's anything foreign that will appear then it's only because it's so bad it's hardly a threat to the local entertainment. She may even go as far as to remove the rights of Filipinos to bring home foreign media.

Let's talk about how poor she will be with economic policies. She may go as far as to still blame Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for all the sufferings she caused. She may even continue to perpetuate the lies of the promise of national self-industrialization to why she still upholds the lousy economic policies of the 1987 Constitution. This in turn may continue the downward spiral that the Philippines has been stuck with for 30 years. She may even use all the money for her personal spending which may make her even beat the record of Imelda Romualdez-Marcos' shoe collection. She may even refuse to allocate budget for ruined cities claiming that they should be kept as museums but she may repair her own personal space without hesitation. Talk about tourism and investment decline thanks to her stupidity. 

This is the biggest issue right now. It's more than time for Filipinos who want change to group together and defend the current president. Don't allow them to let Leni Loud be the president. This is the biggest fight yet. It's time to make sure she doesn't finish her term or the Philippines will be finished. 

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