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Neri Colmenares' Warning On Federalism Proves He's Really THAT STUPID

It's really something that Neri Colmenares is really that stupid of a lawyer now. He's just like his fellow Makabayan este Makabobo comrades Renato Reyes Jr. and Toady Casino. Did he do enough research and just how stupid is he anyway? It's amazing to think that he's a lawyer and I'm not. I'm not even a political analyst but where in the world is his brain? Did he do enough research on the subject of federalism.

Let's define federalism for this guy. Okay, he's a lawyer, right? Did he get his legal law dictionary? If not let's slam it to his face and disbar him for good. Here's a simple definition of federalism from the Cornell Law School:

Federalism is a system of government in which the same territory is controlled by two levels of government. Generally, an overarching national government is responsible for the federal governance, governing the issues that affect the entire country, while the smaller subdivisions, states, and cities, govern the issues of local concern. Both the national government and the smaller political subdivisions have the power to make laws and both have a certain level of autonomy from each other. The United States has a federal system of governance consisting of the national or federal government, and the government of the individual states. In the United States, the Constitution has established a system of “dual sovereignty,” under which the States have surrendered many of their powers to the Federal Government, but also retained a “residuary and inviolable sovereignty.” See Gregory v. Ashcroft, 501 U.S. 452, 457 (1991); See Lane Cty v. Oregon, 74 U.S. 71, 76 (1869).

Here's an excerpt from CoRRECT Philippines on how the site defines federalism:

Federalism will allow the achievement-oriented regions who choose good leaders to set up really good economic policies that will attract lots and lots of investors to come to their region. More investors and businesses coming in means more jobs for the people. This means more people earning salaries, which means more people paying income taxes. More companies in the region also means more corporate taxes. More income taxes + more corporate taxes, plus more consumption taxes when people spend means more tax revenue for the regional government, which means more funds for the government for improving the infrastructure, improving the salaries of government workers to have quality people and greater efficiency, improving education, improving schools, school equipment, teachers’ salaries, etc. The region will become rich. The leaders of the region can also decide on paying decent official salaries for themselves to avoid needing to go through the corruption “kick-back” route. Overall, the well-run region develops and people in that region live better lives.

I may not even be an expert in political structures but I do my best to read and understand the badly needed reforms. Unfortunately, Colmenares is just like PNoy Pride lawyer Florin Hilbay or better renamed as Flower Hillbilly. He graduated from the very difficult to enter to University of the Philippines (which is sadly now playing partisan politics) and San Beda Law College which is known for topnotchers. So did he just throw away all his learning that he used to pass the bar exam? As said, stupid people aren't necessarily stuck in special schools or still in kindergarten or elementary at an adult age. Instead, you can get as many degrees as you want without buying them and still be very stupid. After all, think of how Marbobo Roxas is from the prestigious Wharton University yet that guy really lacks common sense in real life. 

If anyone wants power it's those who are in office who still want to maintain the Imperial Manila System. Federalism seeks to be more participatory and decentralized. How can that allow President Duterte to centralize all the power to himself? I wonder is he trying to do scare tactics again so he and his kind will still have their relevance? Did he even forget that he's also a Visayan and how the Imperial Manila system is very racist towards non-Tagalog Filipinos?

Sorry Colmenares your relevance from a human rights lawyer and now as a Senator is dying. You might as well resign and bitch in your echo chamber. 

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