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Philippine Daily Inquirer's Making Jover Laurio Among Filipinos Of The Year Is Putting Filipinos In A Very Bad Light

I'm not surprised that Philippine Daily Inquirer is playing extreme favorites and that they would withhold certain facts whenever it's convenient. It's no surprise that Jover Laurio who I dub as the Yellow Nazi Propaganda Minister or better yet as "The Filipina version of Joseph Goebbels" gets named among the Filipinos of the Year. WTF should be the right response to every Filipino. Worse, she's EVEN the cover girl as if what she did is great for the country.

From Get Real Philippines (where I got the same picture for this article) here's what may make any Filipino who's had enough of Yellow Nazism to vomit:

According to the Inquirer, the choices for the Filipinos of the Year award represent a “chorus of voices resisting the ‘fake news’ that overflowed social media platforms”. But their statement and choices is tantamount to saying that those who support Duterte are the only purveyors of fake news. The editors gave special mention to Jover Laurio, the blogger behind Pinoy Ako Blog who they claim “stood out for her patriotic daring, the frequency and freshness of her posts, the dark humour of her blog, and, not least, the courage she showed in the face of overwhelming personal abuse.”

The Non-Inquirer would name such an idiot as her to be a Filipino of the Year. The Dilawans have a very huge part of the blame cake to why the Philippines has been a laughingstock for years in the international community. Now, they're begging for imported sympathy from certain parts of the international community... but only people who think like them such as Agnes Callamard would be willing to support them. They may actually be making their situation worse by making Jover as the cover girl of Filipinos of the Year. 

Awarded for resisting fake news? Who's been giving fake news may I ask? Wasn't it that the Dilawans have been using sites like Change Scamming, #SilentNoMore, Resbak Operatives, Madam Claudia and Pinoy Ako Blog to spread their sinister agenda? Weren't they spreading malicious information while falsely accusing others of doing so? I don't see anything patriotic about Pinoy Ako Blog. It should be renamed as PNoy Ako Blog because Jover should be called a PNoy not a Pinoy

Showing courage in the face of personal abuse? Look who's talking. Hasn't it been that her blog PNoy Ako has been showing signs of her abusive mindset. Don't tell me she hasn't done much personal abuse to pro-Duterte bloggers or just anyone who disagrees with the Yellow Empire. She's the one who's been abusive towards people and her work is no different. She's forcing PNoy Pride down the throats of Filipinos. Don't tell me that doesn't make her an abusive idiot.

So what's next? Should Jover ever get rightfully arrested not for free speech but her misuse of it (and I recommend arresting Maria Ressa too when there's enough evidence she's inciting sedition) will there be more paid "sympathizers" around? This may mean trying to get more imported sympathy from so-called "experts of the whole world" who are usually just sitting down in their comfort zones when there's nothing else to do. 

Congratulations to Jover she deserved her award from the Non-Inquirer. She gets an award from people who think like her and act like her. I wonder will she use that award to say she's going to be a political prisoner should there be rightful charges against her? 

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