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Crowning Jover Laurio A Heroine An Insult To The #Fallen165 Soldiers Who Died For Marawi's Freedom

Among the real heroes for the year 2017 are those who died to liberate Marawi from the Maute terrorists. It was a five month struggle against a huge group and at least one soldier died per day in a heavy struggle. They should have been the one who got the honor along with all the soldiers who came back home. Both the living and dead soldiers were the real heroes. Instead, they have further degraded the Filipino image by making Jover Laurio the cover girl on "Filipinos of the Year". 

So really or should I say "REALLY?!" to making Laurio a heroine for her super anti-intellectual blog called PINOY AKO BLOG. That name alone is already degrading Filipinos or putting Filipinos in a very bad light, telling the world that every single Filipino is proud of the stupidity the country has suffered for years. This would put every decent, well-thinking Filipino in the same bad light. So which is more heroic according to Inquirer or should I say Non-Inquirer? 

Is this the image that we constantly want to put to what Filipinos are? It would be safe to say that Laurio herself may be using her Filipino identity to enjoy her stupidity? Why should he get attention when all she's doing is claiming to fight fake news while spreading it herself? 

Although I don't agree with Rigoberto Tiglao's views on foreign investment policy but he's nailed it again with these words from his post on the Inquirer's choice:

The PDI’s insult to Duterte and the military who fought off the IS-linked jihadists is exacerbated by the choice of a Yellow blogger Laurio.

Mention Duterte and our soldiers who fought in Marawi anywhere, and there is no Filipino who wouldn’t recognize them. Laurio, PinoyAko blog? Only those who spend so much time in the internet would recognize her, and only editors whose world has been only in media would think she has contributed anything to the nation.

I am aghast that veteran print journalists would pay tribute to a blogger whom they would never recruit as a reporter or even a newsroom clerk, who has never written more than three paragraphs arguing a particular point, who has not contributed an iota to the national discourse, nor to journalism. Her expertise – and appeal as a blogger — is limited to bad-mouthing supporters of Duterte with street-lingo like “balahura” and “inggitera”.

I am angry that PDI even used as site for its photo-shoot for its article on Laurio the Bantayog ng mga Bayani, a monument for those who fought for their beliefs in the martial-law era, where the names of many of my dear militant comrade-friends, and even of my late wife Raquel, are engraved in the marble walls. That is so foul. Is the PDI elevating Laurio as a heroine at par with those whose names are there such as Jovito Salonga and Lorenzo Tanada?

Yup, that's the point. Why make Laurio a heroine? Wait, don't the Yellowtards still keep insisting that the goofball Ninoy Aquino was a hero? But listening to Ninoy's speech had more meat than Laurio's anti-intellectual work. Ninoy was a goofball but he was right when he said that the president was symbolic in the parliamentary or that martial law can be misused and abused. Reading Pinoy Ako Blog may be a good reason why I even need some antioxidants because it gives anyone cancer.

So what's next? If Laurio ever gets shot she would be a national heroine? Would the politicians in #TindigPilipinas attempt to pass a law to make her a heroine even if she got shot out of a random conflict? Enough is enough! 

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