Former ‘Kasambahay’ and Market Porter Now Owns Multi-Million Company

Born to a poor family in Leyte, Rey Calooy sought greener pastures in Cebu City where he found a job as “kasambahay” and later as porter at the market. But because he did not give up on his dreams, he would rise from that difficult life to become the owner of a multi-million company! Wow.

He had big dreams despite the challenges he faced in these low-paying jobs. Knowing that he really wanted to go to college so he could improve his life, Calooy’s Chinese boss at the market advised him to take up BS Accountancy.

Photo credit: Sun Star Cebu

The Chinese store owner told him that he’ll never run out of work if he’ll become an accountant because most businesses needed to hire one. Aside from sending himself to school, he also did his best to save money so he could start a business.

It was in 1994 when Calooy established RNC Marketing, a micro packaging company that specialized in repacked sachets of various goods, including sugar, coffee, coffee creamer, oil, and other items that would soon become popular in resorts, restaurants, and even in households.

Photo credit: RNC Marketing

When asked why he thought of such a business, Calooy admitted that he knew the business might earn so little because it is just a “small-time” company offering small products. But because there are no multi-national companies offering this kind of product at the time, he didn’t have a lot of competition.

It turned out to be an excellent decision. From that small company, RNC Marketing grew and is now a huge multi-million business that provides products to many of the country’s resorts and restaurants.

Photo credit: RNC Marketing

Photo credit: RNC Marketing

Many of the company’s products have also reached the shelves of local supermarkets and grocery stores. That’s a truly impressive feat, considering that Calooy started out as a “kasambahay” and market porter. Congratulations!

Source: Buzzbooks

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